Life in Photos Pt.1 ♥︎

Hey Guys! 
Seeing as Spring is finally here and the weather is getting nicer, I thought it might be nice to start a new lifestyle series on here where I simply document my days through photos and videos! 
I'm not a hugely exciting person at the moment seeing as I'm not a student anymore, still don't have a job (despite applying anywhere and everywhere!) and all my friends have left the city having graduated with me last year but what this means is I have an awful lot of free time on my hands and doing this series will not only give me something to do, but will also allow me to document all the fun things I've done before I go off and start my Teacher Training in September and don't have the time for it anymore.
The past few days down my end have been absolutely gorgeous! The sun has been out, not a drop of rain and only a slight spattering of cloud in the sky so this is what I've been doing with myself in that time!

My time has been spent doing a whole host of things;

1) we went out to Dover to Kearsney Abbey and walked around Russell Gardens (where my boyfriend has his own tree which was planted when he was christened!)

2) I've started running again seeing as the weather is really good and because I want to look goo when Summer comes around! The shorter route I take is down a private road which runs right through the middle of farms and quiet countryside houses where they even have peacocks! 

3) My boyfriend and I have had a couple of 'Movie Nights' this week as well as finally getting to the end of the final season of Dexter! We watched After the Dark which, although it was riddled with scientific inaccuracies and a bunch of things which logically don't make sense, the overall idea of it made for a good movie. We also watched 12 Years a Slave because I wanted to see it after it did so well at the Oscars and everyone I spoke to seemed to love it. It was a fantastic film, really emotional and heartbreaking to see what those people went through :( I had a bit of a babble at the very end when Solomon is reunited with his family! 

4) I've started skateboarding again after about 10 years of having given it up! I bought my board on a bit of a whim about 2 months ago after watching loads of Youtube videos and reading loads of blogs and seeing photos of people with Penny Boards and thought it might be good to give it a go! My board is not a 'real' Penny, it's by a brand called Indy Skateboards (I've never heard of them) but it came with a spare set of wheels and looks and rides exactly like a Penny and was over half the price too so a double win! I much prefer cruising to the street skating I used to do as a teenager (the type with twin tailed board that you took down the skateparks) and am looking at getting myself a longboard once I can afford one!

I'm not usually one for Starbucks but I've also developed a new obsession for the Mango and Passionfruit Frappucinos that they do because they are literally SO tasty! And apparently only like 189 calories or something too! I read somewhere that this particular flavour is only available in the UK, Ireland and like Japan or something and not the US so I'm hoping it isn't one of those 'limited availability' things where they stop serving it after a while!

Hope you've enjoyed seeing what I've been getting up to lately, be sure to leave me a comment below if you have!
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